
Learning How to View the World With Healthy Skepticism Featuring Michael Shermer

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Up next on Way of the Renaissance Man, learning how to view the world with healthy skepticism.


Being a Renaissance Man isn’t just about doing a lot of different things well.
It’s also about engaging the world with an objective, scientific mindset that is always skeptical of truth claims that don’t pass rigorous intellectual muster.

Welcome to the Way the Renaissance Man podcast.

This is a show about ideas, personal empowerment, and celebrating the rational life. Our goal is to help each other discover the tools needed to better focus our minds, integrate our thoughts with actions, and live the lives we really want with your host Jim Woods.

This season, I will continue speaking with many more interesting Renaissance Men, and Women, who can help us identify, understand and assimilate the key ingredients essential to constructing a life well lived.

Who’s On:

Today’s guest is Michael Shermer, our final FreedomFest interview.

What’s Discussed:

Helping the world see things from that perspective is Michael Shermer, Founding Publisher of Skeptic magazine, the host of the Science Salon Podcast, and a Presidential Fellow at Chapman University where he teaches Skepticism 101.

In addition to being the world’s point man in the battle to cultivate healthy scientific skepticism, Michael also spent more than a decade as a professional bicycle racer, which basically vaults him directly into Renaissance Man status.

In this episode, Michael tells us about how he created his “non-traditional career” as a writer, publisher, and critical thinking advocate. Jim and Michael also discuss the history of science, the rise of postmodernist thinking, the current assault on truth, the changing nature of politics, and the downside of using labels to categorize people.

Jim has been a long-time admirer of Michael Shermer’s work, and in this episode, you’ll discover why.

And now, here’s Jim’s conversation with Michael Shermer.

Learn More with Links:

Michael Shermer’s Website: Skeptic.com

FreedomFest Website: https://www.freedomfest.com/


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