
Talking Music, Songwriting and Genre Bending with Texas Piano Man Robert Ellis

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Up next on Way of the Renaissance Man… talking music, songwriting and genre bending with Texas Piano Man Robert Ellis.

Every once in a while, you come across a musical artist that really touches you on numerous levels. That’s how Jim describes today’s guest, singer/songwriter Robert Ellis.

Tuxedo Texas Piano Man Robert Ellis Way of the Renaissance Man Starring Jim WoodsAlso known as the Texas Piano Man, Robert is a consummate composer, pianist, guitarist, and vocalist who has managed to create a unique sound that’s part Americana, part country, part rock, part jazz and part Laurel Canyon.

In this episode, you’ll learn about Robert’s musical history, his professional journey, the struggles associated with mixing genres and developing his own sound, and his constant desire to always be learning and to always be getting better.

You’ll also learn about Robert’s admiration for artists such as Neil Young, Paul Simon, George Jones and Willie Nelson; the critical role honesty plays in art, and his love of simple tools for improvement such as the metronome.

Plus, as he describes his work and the songwriting process, Jim points out the many ways Robert exemplifies and embodies the Renaissance Man ethos.

Robert is an artist committed to the love of discovery and the process of creation. And in doing so, he’s given the world the beautiful gift of his music… a gift we all get to share with an exclusive solo acoustic performance of his song “Perfect Strangers” just for podcast listeners.

And now, here’s Jim’s conversation with the great Robert Ellis.

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Link to Robert’s song ,”Father” click here.

Robert Ellis’ website: TexasPianoMan.com

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